Book Review : 8) Finding Audrey

Book Review : 8) Title: Finding Audrey
Author : Sophie Kinsella
Publication : Doubleday Canada
Page : 286

This is a story about a girl who tried to overcome her fear after being bullied at her school. Audrey would wear dark glasses all the time, even in the house, never go out, never talk to new people. If she met a new person, she would freak out and end up crying. Linus helped her to overcome her fears, but everyone should know that change comes from within.

Teenagers do get depressed and bullying happens everywhere. Kinsella is spot-on in her descriptions of anxiety and she provides an honest look at the disorder through Audrey’s therapies and recovery.

Kinsella is such a funny author but I didn’t rank this book as my top 5 favourite books because I needed more explanation on Audrey’s past.

It’s such an eye-opening for me to understand about this kind of issue. I, now, understand that not everyone is not strong enough to face bullies and to face realities in general. Family is the strongest support system everyone needs, and good friends can also be as important!

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